In an effort to save myself (and anyone else) some time in case I need to set this up again later, I’ve compiled some notes on how to get a really quick development setup working on Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6)
Note: Anything in a
monospaced font
is a terminal command, or something you should be editing in a file.
sudo apachectl start
That’s it. Check http://localhost/ to see if it works.
Virtual Hosts (VHosts)
Edit the Apache2 Configuration
sudo vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
Search for “httpd-vhosts.conf”, and make sure the following line is uncommented:
# Virtual hosts Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Now, lets add some folders for a test site.
mkdir ~/Sites/testsite/
mkdir ~/Sites/testsite/htdocs
mkdir ~/Sites/testsite/logs
We’ll add an HTML file as well, so we know when it’s working.
echo 'Hello, World!' > ~/Sites/testsite/htdocs/index.html
Now, we want to add our site information to our vhost config.
sudo vi /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Comment out the “dummy” virtual hosts, and add this under them:
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin admin@localhost DocumentRoot "/Users/mike/Sites/testsite/htdocs" ServerName testsite ErrorLog "/Users/mike/Sites/testsite/logs/error_log" CustomLog "/Users/mike/Sites/testsite/logs/access_log" common </VirtualHost>
And now we want to add a line to our hosts file to point “testsite” to our computer.
sudo vi /etc/hosts
In here, you want to add the following lines after “ localhost”:
# Dev Sites testsite
Lastly, we want to restart apache to make all the changes live.
sudo apachectl restart
Check your success @ http://testsite/
cd /etc/
sudo cp php.ini.default php.ini
sudo chown 666 php.ini
sudo vi php.ini
You absolutely need to uncomment the “;date.timezone” line, but here are a few settings and some settings I changed my values to in my php.ini. Keep in mind, the following lines do not follow each other, do a search for them to find their proper locations.
date.timezone = 'America/New_York' post_max_size = 16M upload_max_filesize = 16M
Now, lets actually enable PHP in Apache.
sudo vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
Uncomment the following line:
LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/
and add “index.php” as an allowed index:
<IfModule dir_module> DirectoryIndex index.html index.php </IfModule>
Finally, restart Apache.
sudo apachectl restart
If you want to test it, do this:
echo '<?php phpInfo(); ?>' > ~/Sites/testsite/htdocs/info.php
And visit http://testsite/info.php
MySQL is a piece of cake for 10.6.
Download it here:
Install it in this order:
- MySQL Startup Item
- MySQL Preference Pane
I would suggest using Sequel Pro (the successor to CocoaMySQL) for a GUI Interface to your DB.
You can login to your database at, username root, no password.
Don’t forget to restart Apache when you’re done.
sudo apachectl restart
Good night, and good luck!